Sunday, December 5, 2010
Bad Advice
It is worth checking out the kinky giggles.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Domme v. Harper?

"Dragging their heels on reform." I hope they're 6-inch stilettos.....
Fight like a man': Dominatrix to Harper
Updated: Thu. Dec. 2 2010 8:52 PM ET
Dominatrix Terri-Jean Bedford, one of the three sex-trade workers whose court challenge struck down three key prostitution laws, said Prime Minister Stephen Harper needs to stop hiding behind the courts and "fight like a man."
"He can withdraw this appeal at any moment and change the law through Parliament," she said.
"His silence means that he does not know what to do, and is not concerned about, the violence against women."
Bedford made the comments after the Ontario Court of Appeal ruled Ontario's prostitution laws will remain in effect while government lawyers mount an appeal to a landmark ruling that essentially decriminalized prostitution.
Harper initially responded with a laugh to the challenge.
"I've never been called upon to respond to a dominatrix before," he deadpanned.
But he responded seriously, saying the government would continue to fight the appeal.
"We believe that the prostitution trade is bad for society," Harper said. "That's a strong view held by our government, and I think by most Canadians."
The decision
The appeal court was considering whether to strike down a decision from September, when an Ontario Superior Court judge struck down laws against keeping a common bawdy house, communicating for the purposes of prostitution and living on the avails of prostitution.
The September decision was subject to a temporary stay, meaning the laws remained on the books.
With Thursday's ruling that stay is extended until April 29, putting pressure on the government to expedite the appeal process.
Lawyer Alan Young, who represents the group of sex-trade workers led by Bedford, said the judge told the court he was concerned that a "regulatory void" would exist if the current laws were struck down.
Young maintains the current laws jeopardize the safety of sex workers and should be taken off the books as soon as possible.
"My position has always been that the security of a vulnerable population must be protected at any cost and that we don't need to maintain a law which isn't enforced on a frequent basis."
Prostitution is not illegal in Canada, but nearly everything associated with it is.
Justice Minister Rob Nicholson responded to the decision Thursday, saying he was pleased with the ruling.
"It is the position of the Government of Canada that these provisions are constitutionally sound," Nicholson said in a release.
"The provisions denounce and deter the most harmful and public aspects of prostitution. They also ensure that the police have the tools necessary to continue to address the significant harms that flow from prostitution, both to communities and to the prostitutes themselves, along with other vulnerable persons."
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Once Again, BDSM is mainstreaming in fashion...

Good, or Bad? You decide....
From "The Telegraph" in FCUKLand:
Bondage-look lingerie has Christmas all tied up
Bondage-look lingerie is staging a comeback as a dominant Christmas shopping trend.
Black bra, £82, and coordinating briefs, £52, Nichole de Carle at
Bondage-style underwear is emerging as this Christmas's dominant trend when it comes to lingerie, as shoppers cast aside their inhibitions in the quest for high-priced exotica for the bedroom.
Related articles
Bondage-look lingerie in pictures
The 2011 Pirelli calendar: 'Mythology', by Karl Lagerfeld
It's party time, and the dress is centre stage
Party dresses in pictures
Inspired by the raunchy on-stage looks of stars such as Rihanna, Cheryl Cole and Lady Gaga, girls are prepared to pay hundreds of pounds for flimsy bras, knickers and playsuits, embellished with suggestive fetish-look straps and braces.
The UK lingerie market is worth £2.59 billion, with women investing more than ever on luxury labels, but this season, Selfridges reports the average lingerie spend is up by 20 per cent on the more risqué and daring brands, including Agent Provocateur and Myla.
In pictures: Bondage-style lingerie
The store has recently taken delivery of the latest collection by the young British designer, Nichole de Carle, and her luxury, bondage-inspired bras, knickers and playsuits are already a sell out in stores nationwide and online.
De Carle, a graduate of De Montfort University in Leicester - regarded as the best underwear and corsetry college in Europe - launched her career in 2001 after completing the 'Contour' course with first class honours. She worked with Alexander McQueen in London, Donna Karan in New York, and Pleasure State in Australia before establishing her own brand.
This season, her 'Dream Catcher', a stretch-silk bondage-bra, costing £220, with co-ordinated briefs featuring play-braces, at £85, is one of the collection's hottest items, together with a white body-suit, called 'Last Testament', vaguely reminiscent of Madonna's famous 'rocket cone bra', at £225. Other undercover-exotica from the young Brit includes a black stretch-silk playsuit, styled as a camisole attached to suspender-style knickers, at £225, and a more simplified, strappy black bra for £82, with coordinating briefs, £55.
Equally provocative is the latest collection by the Dutch designer Marlies Dekkers, a favourite with Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Britney Spears, Katy Perry, Nicole Sherzinger, and The Pussycat Dolls. Her designs are sold in London at the chic Apartment 'C' lingerie boutique on Marylebone High Street. The Christmas collection, called 'Dark Theme', includes gothic-inspired bra-and-knickers sets with names like "Beautiful Bat". Prices start from £46 for briefs, up to £100 for bras.
The cost of such designs almost seems a bargain, however, compared to the most expensive bondage-style lingerie in the world, designed by Frenchwoman Maxine Wattam, which arrives at Selfridges next week. Wattam's collection, called 'Kinbaku' (meaning bondage in Japanese), is a criss-cross tracery of strategically-placed fine silken straps, embellished with yellow-gold or rose-gold and jewels, and costing between £1,000 and £3,000. Maxine Wattam will be making a personal appearance at Selfridges' London flagship on December 11th to demonstrate the intricate art behind her bondage-inspired looks.
Helen Attwood, Selfridges' head lingerie buyer, said: "This winter S&M has gone couture. Gone are the days of bondage lingerie looking more back-street than Bond Street. To keep up with demand for lingerie with serious edge, we're about to launch our most expensive erotica yet. Sales of the sexiest designs of lingerie are already up 50 per cent and we predict that this Christmas won't be white. It'll be black silk with a leather trim."
Meanwhile, at the nation's favourite bra and knickers store, Marks & Spencer, a spokesperson said the chain did not really have "anything that's entirely bondage-esque, that's not our customer", but noted that M&S's 'Shapewear' collection did have nods to the trend, with mock-suspender tights, at £9.50, a zip-up slip at £25, and a suspender slip, at £35.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Leslie Nielsen, RIP

Dr. Rumack:
What was it we had for dinner tonight?
Elaine Dickinson:
Well, we had a choice: steak or fish.
Dr. Rumack:
Yes, yes, I remember, I had lasagna.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Sir Richard Branson, CD

"Virgin boss Sir Richard Branson will serve passengers in full cabin crew drag on an AirAsia flight after losing a bet to AirAsia owner Tony Fernandes over whose Formula 1 team performed better this season.
Branson backs Virgin Racing, while Fernandes is the team principle of Lotus Racing (of which CNN is a sponsor). Both teams are 2010 F1 Championship neophytes.
At the start of the season, Branson and Fernandes wagered that the loser of the bet would have to dress and serve as a flight attendant on the winner’s airline.
"He has an airline, we have an airline, and if we beat him he can come and work on one of our airlines as a Virgin stewardess," Branson said confidently in December last year.
"I suspect if he beats us he might ask me to reciprocate. Maybe I'll have to check out how fetching his stewardess outfits are!"
Boths team ended the season with zero points, but Lotus had better finishing positions overall and placed ahead of Virgin Racing in rankings.
“We have had this great bet running all season and now it’s time for Richard to start preparing himself for some hard work and the likely pain of a pair of high heels!” said Fernandes.
Branson seems delighted with his AirAsia outfit.
During celebrations on track on Sunday night at the conclusion of final F1 race, held in Abu Dhabi, Fernandes gave Branson an AirAsia uniform and pinned a stewardess’ badge on the Virgin Racing boss.
”One of the first people to come and congratulate us on the pitwall was Richard,” said Fernandes.
Judging from Branson’s ecstatic expression, pictured left, you’d think he was actually excited to have an excuse to don a female uniform.
We think it would be delightful if Branson did a safety demonstration dance routine while he’s at it.
Branson will serve on a Kuala Lumpur-London AirAsia X flight.
The tickets will be sold in an online charity auction."
From CNN....
Oh Those Wacky Japanese....

"What does it say about the mental state of modern otaku that a book entitled The Manga Guide to Psychosomatic Illnesses" is climbing the bestseller lists? Created in association with a Tokyo mental clinic, the description reads, "laugh as you learn about all sorts of psychosomatic issues, from depression and erectile dysfunction to hallucinations and pedophilia!"
Intriguingly, the latter chapter (which is available online), builds its case not on Japanese but rather on Western psychology, specifically the DSM IV diagnostic manual. And that case seems to be, "as long as she's over thirteen, it's okay!" It ends with an image of unjustly accused lolicon lovers being led off to re-education camps. Make of that what you will..."
Thanx You, AltJapan!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Jesus - this is kinky
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
The Bondage Awards
There's some good stuff there.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Mapping it Out
Here's just an example if what happens if I don't think hard about where I've been and I'm sure I've missed some things and some places are there would be so many pins on the map that you'd never be able to read it.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Geeks and Maids
These locales apparently cater to the geek population who appreciate the rapt attention of a maid who greats them as "Master" at the door and who, for a price, will entertain and talk with them.
Here's the full story.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Health News
People who regularly eat chocolate are more depressive, experts have found.
Research in Archives of Internal Medicine shows those who eat at least a bar every week are more glum than those who only eat chocolate now and again.
Damn! Now what was good for us isn't.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Japan, Yoghurt, and Catholicism? Part 1
This time it is a Quasi-Catholic Sex Cult that indulges in yoghurt. It's not the yoghurt that is so odd, but that it becomes a lube for non-penetrative sex on the alter.
Not sure who to blame for this, the Catholics or the Japanese, but we do know that as far as taking things past the norm even for us fet-freaks, they excel at it.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
"Sex Dungeon"
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Today's acquisitions: 2 new crops, a dressage whip, and a 6' bull just for the hell of it. Got to love the local tack shop.
Also found some great composite rubber material that is used for reins, but I'm thinking custom body harness for a special little submissive.
How was your day?
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Why don't Asshats pick on people fairly!?
""Some nights Albert Snyder wakes up at 3 a.m. Other nights he doesn't sleep at all, tormented by thoughts of the hateful signs carried by a fundamentalist church outside his Marine son's funeral.
"Thank God for Dead Soldiers."
"You're Going to Hell."
"Semper Fi Fags."
Hundreds of grieving families have been targeted by the Westboro Baptist Church, which believes military deaths are the work of a wrathful God who punishes the United States for tolerating homosexuality.""
OK - Z1 here - I am going to start picking on the Westboro Baptist f%ck@rs, as they need a dose of thier own treatment. You know - people like this, give religion a bad name - I am going to tell you - I do have experience in a Bap church setting. They are narrow minded to the point that the only ones protected or celibrated - are the pediphiles! More women and young men, that I talk to - that have had anything to do with Fundamental churches - the more THEY tell me how f&ck@d they are, by old f&ck*rs chasing them around the Sunday park, getting molested by the f#ck!n preacher - his Pedi Deacons, or the entire group of church elders.
Westboro - you will burn in hell - right beside the rest of the Hateful Bas^rds that spew your hate.
BTW - I may not be a Marine - but I will ask - if they need another Biker - to ride protection mode for the families. No one needs to see this kind of thing, when they are burying thier dead and our special people. I respect what each person brings to the table, when they ask to join the effort to protect ME and YOU, but putting thier life on the line. The LEAST that YOU can do is respect them, in death. They do this, so I do not have to go do it myself.
$#%% A$$ Hats - Z1
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
A Weapon from the Soviet Past Seeks to Destroy Us

Mr. Trololo!
Singing...if it can be called that... "I Am Very Glad Because I am Finally Returning Home."
"Until recently, Eduard Khil hardly ever ventured onto the Internet. Now the 75-year-old spends much of his time sifting through the avalanche of fan mail flooding his e-mail inbox.
From Radio Free Europe:
Khil, a Brezhnev-era Russian crooner whose name had long since entered the pantheon of Soviet pop-star oblivion, is enjoying newfound fame, sparked when one of his old music clips went viral after being posted by an anonymous admirer on the video-sharing site YouTube. The 1976 clip features Khil, resplendent in a brown double-breasted jacket and heavily pomaded hair, grinning wildly as he lip-synchs -- often badly -- and strolls along a mustard-yellow background lined with metal gates.
But what makes the clip more of an oddity than the typical '70s video is the fact that, despite bearing the complicated title "I Am Very Happy Because I Am Finally Coming Home," the song has no lyrics. Instead, Khil hums, laughs, and belts out the melody in a long stream of la la la's -- a performance that has earned him the nickname "Mr. Trololo."
Oh yeah-this has gone viral and MAY become a new Rickroll. Armageddon I tells Yah!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
For A Friend
Enjoy darling.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Hello What?

The Hello Kitty bondage room from here.
And you can watch this YouTube segment on Love Hotels to see more Hello Kitty and other fantastical rooms for love and pain.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
"Travel Godemiche" ????

Only the Beeb:
"Historic sex toys sold for £3,600 at Essex auction."
Uhhhy...they're 10 and 11 inches long, respectively.
BTW: "Godemiche" is, essentially, German for dildo.
Well, sort of
Friday, March 26, 2010
Don't Laugh

This is an image of just one part of the Polish designed set.
Perhaps what is more disturbing though is that I felt this need to Google it...
More Safety Nazi Concerns

Honestly, I think the hot dog is a symbol of Darwinism at it's finest. If the parents are too stupid to cut the dog down the middle so it won't choke the child then they shouldn't have been breeding in the first place...
It was on the Safety Nazi's radar last month, I just ignored it as I was busy playing with somebody else's hot dog that day, but here's what you missed:
Make hot dogs choke-proof, pediatricians say
So the logical conclusion is that children today will starve while having no fun at all.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Here we go again with the Safety Nazis!

Gee, I made it through childhood without my fisher-Price toys KILLING about you???
Monday, March 22, 2010
All Clogged Up

These are from Chanel but there are several other sources for the spring trend of clogs.
This photo essay from UK Telegraph has some lovely examples.
Friday, March 19, 2010
What the HELL was she up to???

The Captain in question is Holly Graf, dismissed two months ago as commander of the USS Cowpens, a Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser. The gang at led the pack in documenting Graf's reign of terror as skipper of the Cowpens and before that, the USS Winston S. Churchill, a guided missile destroyer.
Captain Graf's conduct makes Bligh look like a boy scout. As the Navy Inspector General documented, Graf (at various times) spat in the face of a crewmember; choked a junior officer under her command, hurled ceramic coffee mugs at subordinates and heaped withering verbal abuse at scores of sailors, petty officers and commissioned officers who crossed her path. Officially, Graf was fired for "cruelty and maltreatment" of her crew and conduct unbecoming an officer. Admittedly, our knowledge of Navy dismissals is limited, but we can't recall the last skipper who was relieved for "cruelty and maltreatment," giving Graf a very dubious distinction, indeed. MOAR from "Time" and hat tip to "In From the Cold."
Genital assault on police officer and Time-Warner gaffs with Playboy on children's channels. Got to love the name of the Scottish guy in the story though.
The brilliance of Viktor and Rolf, borrowing from fetish yet again, for Lady Gaga. The video is pretty cool.
Our Docs turn 50 on the 1st of April. Happy Birthday Dr. Martens. The only catch with the iconic footwear is that some of the manufacturing is now done offshore and the material quality, thus repairability, is not the same as it used to be.
The Ex partner can be a real troublemaker sometimes. Nice to know that celebs get it too, only for way bigger bucks. Lady Gaga's is after her for just $35million.
...and now for the explicit and official version of Lady Gaga's "Telephone": . Yes you have to click the link, because it's official, there's no embedding.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
It's the Collapse of Western Civilization I tell Yah!

That last post was sick. SICK!
Well, I'm not sure ancient Israel technically counts as Western Civ-Eastern Med Civ, maybe? That would make ancient Greece Aegean Civ....Discuss.
PS: I gather from this picture, Sampson was into bondage. Come to think of it, how much BDSM imagery was there in those children's bibles.....
I can hear the obit now: "Her greatest dream in life was to make sure that she couldn't walk, could not fit through the door of the house, could not possibly find jeans that fit, to have continual open sores on her body from the weight and rolls of fat...she achieved that and more in her short life..."
Woman aspires to weigh 1,000 pounds
Donna Simpson is setting a two-year goal to reach her ideal weight. So of course, she is on a diet — of cakes, doughnuts and loads of fast food. But don't worry, she isn't cheating her food plan. The 42-year-old New Jersey mother's goal is to go from 600 pounds to a whopping 1,000.
Simpson, in an interview with the Daily Mail, says she wants to be the world's fattest woman. She already holds the Guinness World Record as the World's Fattest Mother — and needed 30 people to assist in the delivery of her daughter.
She will try to eat 12,000 calories a day to make her dream come true.
From the Daily Mail:
"'I'd love to be 1,000lb,' she said. 'It might be hard though. Running after my daughter keeps my weight down.'"
But Simpson admits that she needs a motor scooter to get around and can only walk 20 feet before becoming too fatigued to continue. While adding an extra 400 pounds is a feat in itself, it is does not come cheap. But do not fret, budding weight-gainers — you can follow Simpson's lead and set up a website to collect money from people who want to watch you eat. Yes, this is how she can afford the $750 grocery bill.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Is it a Rocket, a Plane, Train? Its ...
Monday, March 8, 2010
Define "Irony".....

The Hurt Locker beats Avatar.
I like how a movie with little financial backing and virtually no distribution that is pro-military and based on reality beat the crap out of a massive overblown expensive anti-military movie that purports to be about an insurgency of blue people against a military-industrial corporate behemoth.......
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Ton-Up Boys

Gene Vincent-RIP-Singing 'Be-Bop a Lula' in a black leather suit-with a crew of real Ton-Up Boys riding into the 1964. Awesome.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Oh, those Swiss... Defibrillators for Brothels
The Crackberry - Trivia
A Rube Goldberg - Best one I've seen in a long time
Friday, March 5, 2010
A whole article in a The Toronto Sun on kink that actually reads nicely and sounds friendly and of course talks of one of our favourite stores.
I'm still am having some disbelief.
Sliced and Diced..... By Gyrocopter.

Gyrocopter pilot 'cleaved hunt supporter's head from top to bottom'
A gyrocopter pilot drove towards a hunt supporter who was trying to stop him from taking off, cleaving his head ''from top to bottom'', a court heard.
Bryan Griffiths, 55, is charged with the manslaughter by gross negligence of Warwickshire Hunt member Trevor Morse at Long Marston airfield, near Stratford-upon-Avon, on March 9 last year.
Birmingham Crown Court heard Mr Morse had been trying to stop Mr Griffiths, who had been monitoring the hunt from his gyrocopter, from taking off again after he stopped to refuel.
He refused to move out of the way as Mr Griffiths went towards him and the rear propeller of the gyrocopter cut Mr Morse's head from top to bottom, the court heard.
Gareth Evans QC, prosecuting, told the court: ''Just under a year ago, on March 9, 2009, a 48-year-old man called Trevor Morse, who was deliberately trying to stop a gyrocopter taking off, was killed.
''He was killed when his head was struck by the rear propeller blade of the gyrocopter. That gyrocopter was being driven by this defendant along the runway of Long Marston airfield in Warwickshire.
''The blade of the rear propeller cleaved Mr Morse's head from top to bottom. Unfortunately it also dramatically removed a portion of his brain and threw it away from him. Mercifully death was instantaneous.
''The prosecution say that this man, the defendant, is criminally liable for this death. We say that he is guilty of manslaughter, we say that he caused Trevor Morse's death by his own gross negligence.''
Mr Evans said Griffiths deliberately drove the gyrocopter at Mr Morse, with the rear propeller spinning at a speed approaching 200mph.
He said: "Doing so, we say, was reckless in the extreme because the manoeuvre carried with it a very, very real risk that Mr Morse would come into contact with the revolving, unguarded rear propeller blades of the gyrocopter."
The court heard Mr Morse was acting as a road monitor on March 3 last year during the last day of the hunting season for the Warwickshire Hunt.
Mr Evans said Griffiths owned the gyrocopter and although he was not an anti-hunt activist, had previously flown the machine above the hunt to monitor their actions, often with a passenger filming them.
On that day, when Mr Morse spotted the gyrocopter heading off towards Long Marston airfield to refuel, he got in a Land Rover with a fellow hunt supporter to confront the pilot.
When they were at the airfield, Mr Morse tried to stop Griffiths taking off by standing in front of the gyrocopter.
He refused to move out of the way, and as Griffiths drove forwards in the gyrocopter the rear propeller caught Mr Morse, cutting his head from top to bottom.
The jury was shown an edited video of the stand-off between Mr Morse and Griffiths - caught on camera by the man who had brought the fuel to the airfield, Peter Bunce.
As he refuses to move out of the way, a voice can be heard to say to Mr Morse: "You are obstructing him taking off, you have no right to do that, you have no right to do that."
The video shows Mr Morse enlisting the help of the woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, to come and stand in the way of the gyrocopter.
The propellers can be heard to speed up, followed by a bang.
The video shown to the jury was cut at the point the propeller hit Mr Morse, then cut again to see him lying on the ground.
A voice can then be heard to say: "Oh dear, the ---- didn't stand clear of it."
Mr Evans said it was quite clear Griffiths wanted to leave, and also clear Mr Morse was not willing to let him leave.
He said: "There is no doubt about it. His intention was stopping that gyrocopter from taking off. He was not standing there for the good of his health.
"At one stage he moved the Land Rover closer to the gyrocopter to stop it getting away in an attempt to block its getaway.
"He made it plain that he was obstructing that gyrocopter's take-off and when asked to get out of the way he refused to do so."
Mr Evans said Griffiths had not gently inched towards Mr Morse, but had travelled at speed.
He said: "This was not a general nudging movement. It was carried out, we say, at speed. This was no inching movement."
Mr Evans asked the jury to consider several things when watching the video, including whether there was a gap Griffiths was aiming for when he drove the gyrocopter at speed.
The court heard that in interview Griffiths told police Mr Morse had moved and he was aiming for a gap, but the video filmed by Peter Bunce suggested Mr Morse had not moved.
Mr Evans said: “The defendant’s case is that he did nothing criminal and that as far as his actions were deliberate they were acted out of necessity.”
But the prosecutor told the jury Griffiths could only rely on the defence of necessity if he acted to prevent himself being killed or seriously harmed, and if his actions were reasonable and proportionate.
He said: “The prosecution say there was no imminent risk of the defendant or his passenger being killed or seriously injured.
“We say that’s just not on. Mr Morse had made no threats, he had made no attempts to take the keys or prevent the refuelling operation and we say at all times was adopting a passive obstructive stance.”
He said although there had been minor incidents involving the pro and anti-hunt groups, there was no history in this case of hunt supporters using violence against the people who did not support the hunt.
Mr Evans said Griffiths had felt uneasy about Mr Morse being at the airfield, and had even written the registration number of the Land Rover on his palm.
But he said this unease was “far, far removed” from the fear required by the law to constitute the defence of necessity.
-from The Telegraph
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Only in Japan:
"Comic spoofs Western nerds' dating success in Japan"
Quote of the Day:
Women are attracted by the novelty of American men, said Hitomi Kakuta, who is dating an American.
"Americans are rare in Japan. That's why they look good, even if they don't."
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
I'm Outraged Too...
Art gallery hosts underground sex club
To quote: An art gallery in Austria has opened a nightly swingers club as part of a two-month project aimed at provoking debate about scandal in art.
The club, housed in the cellar of The Secession art gallery in central Vienna, offers visitors the chance to act out their sexual fantasies in leather and latex and includes a dance floor, body painting and a sado-masochism chamber.
Vienna Mayor Michael Haeupl said he did not approve of the club, but noted that outraged politicians and newspapers were playing into the artist's hands.
I am outraged because:
- it's not happening here, but way over there, so there's a level of mild disappointment.
- swinging does not equal BDSM
- not all swingers are kinky
- not all kinksters swing
- not all kinks are Sadomasochism.
- BDSM does not always equal sex, where swinging almost always has that as a serious component of its raison d'etre
Another reason to hate reporters...
Monday, March 1, 2010
It references this article: Parliament to vote on Tory motion against free speech on the Israeli-Palestinian issue and Israeli Apartheid.
"Houston, we got a problem."
And yes, are we still allowed to say that in Canada?
Sunday, February 28, 2010

"The fanaticism of the Left was recently exposed in guidance issued by the Equality and Human Rights Commission for public bodies on how to treat transgender people, including transvestites and those undergoing a change of sex.
In one startling passage in this 68-page document, the Commission warned it may be illegal for any school to require girls to wear skirts as part of their uniform, since this could discriminate against transsexual pupils.
Such an edict would be laughable were it not so indicative of the disturbing mindset of the equality bureaucrats who wield such control over our lives."